Tuesday, March 24, 2009

incessant apologies?

Yes, I know I am a crappy blogger. For that, I don't really apologize. I'm kinda busy. But some highlights:

Tony and I went to a Brazilian BBQ place - the type where they come around with swords of meat and slice it onto your plate. It was pretty tasty, but pricey. I don't feel as though I got my money's worth.

Yesterday an old friend from my freshman year of college (and we lost touch the following year due to a variety of reasons) found me and we caught up. Turns out we've both been living in the DC area for the last 4 years. Insane! It was fabulous to chat with her though and I so look forward to getting together for lunch or dinner sometime soon!

Grad school sucks. Royally. Especially when I'd rather be spending time with Tony or sleeping. Both rank pretty high on the lists. I am terribly afraid I am going to completely bomb the research project this semester. That is really not good. I have GOT to buckle down there.

One of my best-good friends joins the ranks of the marrieds on Saturday. I am totally stoked for him and his lady. They are both fabulous and I love 'em to pieces. I just hope they don't drop off the planet once they do the deed as marrieds tend to do.

For some reason, all the sinks in my kitchens at school are not draining right now. Funny how it's the sinks that the community ed cooking classes use. Oh wait. So not funny. Sooo obnoxious. The program has yet to be a positive experience for me.

I have really great students. Now that I've said this they'll probably make me regret it. But for now, I am glad I have great students this year.

I love to laugh, and I love it when the fabulous people around me make it their mission to make me laugh.

My preschoolers are stinkin adorable. One of them ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug because he got to be the caboose today. He's not one who usually talks, especially to me, so I was completely surprised (and delighted).


Jennica said...

Thats because the caboose is the coolest part of the train :D

Alison B said...

who got married?