Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today's best moment: that is torn between being called red-locks chili peppers and the following demand
M: can you not interrupt me
M: i am improvising

Today's Worst moment: leaving at school, just to go grocery shopping and go right back to school to cook for another ohhhhhh 4 hours?

I'm hosting the guidance department for brunch. See, I have them in my room, and I show them a lovely time and tell them all about the delightful classes I teach, and then they put lots of kids in my classes and then I have a job next year. It works out well. A little buttering-up tends to go a long ways.

Said brunch is tomorrow. 9:20 a.m. I was at school for ohhhhhh 11 hours today, frantically getting things done for said brunch. Dangit, I forgot to make the copies I need. Hopefully my slacker aide comes to class tomorrow! If not, I'm screwed! I hope you appreciate my moment of panic there. It'll be a fabulous brunch if I can enlist the help of my morning class. I'm not sure how excited they'll be about that since they won't get to eat, but oh well. I'm the teacher, right?

Anyway, it'll be a delightful menu. I'm excited about it. I'll be too busy and stressed to take pictures, sorry about that.

Lucky French Breakfast Muffins
Individual Breakfast Casseroles
Fruit Kabobs (which might just turn into a platter)
Ricotta triangles (with a raspberry inside and baked in phyllo)
Spiced cider (gotta remember to take the spice with me!)

There might be something else, but I don't remember.... it's not that late, but I'm really tired!

1 comment:

Sydney said...

That sounds DEEEElicious!! I want to be on the guidance team or whowever it is you are cooking for! Yummy!