Sunday, October 26, 2008


So I had to take my new car in for oh something, I don't remember. My first oil change or something? who knows. It was a lovely day, and I was sitting outside. I looked around when I saw a sticker on the wall.

I thought, "oh those rowdy teenagers. putting their stickers all over. What's the duh about anyway? I mean, I think it's a funny sticker, and if I had a fat stack I'd probably post them where I could.... but....hmm...."

Then I look around and see this one....

Way across the driveway in the window.

See it?
Then there's these, back where I'm kinda sitting...

Now, as for cars, I would think the honDUH would be the one to have this sticker. No. Apparently its Hyundai. I don't get that. But it's a company sticker and they stuck them all over the place. Weird. The next time I went back I saw even more, but didn't take pictures as they were in more populated places and I was already feeling a little self conscious that day.

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