Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stirfry Sunday

I've got a little stirfry of pictures for you - over the last month I have done or come across all this:

I went to a mongolian bbq the other night for the very first time. It was a fabulous evening with good company and fun conversation. I thought the big huge round grill was cool, and how they're all there snapping your food around and all. I wish they'd snapped mine around a bit more though, some of it was still a bit tough.

A couple weeks ago I actually got to go and be social with people after school for happy hour. I wasn't all happily drunk or anything, but it was fun to visit and de-stress together!

I made cinnamon rolls for conference. Darin and Adam invited me over for breakfast and to watch conference at their house on Sunday. We made french toast, and I had some extra frosting so we made some stuffed french toast too, and then the cinnamon rolls. It was fabulously sweet and disgusting, and that's all we ate all day long. But it was all SOOO good.

See my cinnamon rolls?

See Adam eating a cinnamon roll in seemingly one bite? He got most of it in, too.

This is a picture I found in some papers I had in my office. I am really really not sure how it got in those papers or even how old it is. But, it's a beautiful (?) picture Katie drew for me long long ago. I turned it over the other day when I was packing it up to take it home and she had outlined everything on the back side of the page in pen, so really, it was 2 pictures in one. Awesome. Thanks Katie, love you!!

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