Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In a hurry much?

To say it has been a crazy couple of days is a gross understatement. At least I knew I had to do a load of whites today, otherwise tomorrow would be a bit.... breezy. So I separated out all my dirty clothes and made a big pile and threw them in the wash. In a hurry? Yes indeed I was.

I was a little curious as to why the was was so clanky. We sometimes have a clanky washing machine, so I didn't think too much of it. Maybe the load was extra big or unbalanced or something, oh well. That is, until I went to put the clothes in the dryer. I opened the lid and this is what I saw:

What's that?? Can't tell what that is?? Well, you hopefully see that something is wrong. It is a load of whites with some big old black thing in there. Let me help you out....

Yes. My croc went into the wash. It is now very clean, I think. I'm awesome.

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